Monday, November 21, 2011

Boy am I having a blast this off season!

I flew to the east coast of Canada to help out with a few special events out here! It's getting cold here, but I just love being so close to the ocean! The flight was okay, but somehow I got lost temporarily trying to find my way to the track! Luckily, they tracked me down! It was worth it to meet all the great T4K kids out here!

So now I'm in Truro, Nova Scotia, and just helped out with a fantastic event there called the Mildred Williams Ladies Vs Men's Challenge to raise money for cancer survivors! I met some of the amazing ladies
on the Survivors on Shortt's Lake Dragon Boat team and hung out in the winner's circle with my horsey friend Dontlooknow!

What a fun weekend I had!

Talk soon!

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