Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer is here!!!

Hey Kids,

Schoooollll'ssss out for summer! Now that you don't need to worry about homework for 2 months, what do you guys have going on for the summer? Are you taking a trip or playing any sports? Send me an email an email at to let me know what you're doing. I'm thinking of taking a trip out to the east coast, but we'll see.

Were many of you able to make it to Mohawk for the North America Cup? Thousands of people were there for the action packed night. Race favourite, Captaintreacherous, was able to pull off the win at 1:48.3.

Trevor Henry said he had a great time in France. Although he wasn't able to pull of another win for Canada we sure are proud of him. Trevor wasn't able to get many quality drives in the heats but that didn't stop him from trying. Maybe next time Trevor!

I hope you all have a great start to your summer, and remember to get out any play and maybe help around the barn a bit!!

Willie Win

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